Thursday, July 16, 2009

7/16/2009 - Pregame!

Well, its another edition of blogging my vacation. The last time I did this, for the road trip, it wasn't so much as a vacation as it was my own private insane asylum for five weeks. This, however, will be 100% hard core vacation. I'm heading to the island of O'ahu. I have never been before, and will be staying with some of my favorite people on this earth: The Carver family. Two weeks in paradise, away from the stresses of school, work, and home. I will miss the cats, and even some of the people I leave behind. (That is assuming they haven't found their way into my luggage as they have been bribing me to do all week.) Ultimately, it will be a much needed escape into a world unlike where I've been before.

I've been down here in the suburbs of Atlanta for a couple days now, spending time with Dad and Charlene. Did a little shopping today for last minute trip items. I got some new sandals and a bathing suit, and a big sack of Grits for the kids. (Apparently Grits don't exist in Hawai'i?) Hey. Spam and Grits. Let's do it.

So, tomorrow morning at 6am, I'm going to awaken, get showered, eat a little breakfast, and then head to the airport at 7am. My flight doesn't leave until 11, but supposedly you have to have your bags checked 90 minutes beforehand, and navigating the Atlanta airport isn't like going to Roanoke, where you can get off the plane and be in your car in under 5 minutes. I am lucky enough to be able to use frequent flier miles for this trip, so I figured if it's going to be the first vacation in many years, and likely the last for many years, I'm going to enjoy myself and fly first class. It's about 9 hours flight time, and the last time I flew that long was when my friend and I flew from Chicago to Berlin in coach. I was so stiff for days afterward, that much I remember. So hopefully this will be a better experience.

I'm really not sure what I'm going to be doing except spending time with great people in paradise. I have a few tentative plans to see certain things, but outside of that, I haven't a clue, except for sure, I'm going in the ocean, Jellyfish be damned.

I hope to get on here in the evenings before bed to post pictures with some sort of regularity, but I can't promise anything. I really want to get away from this portable idiot box, so, I'll just wing it.

Signing off from the mainland,

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